stew veal meatballs
Ah! My friends, it smelled the little happiness in my cottage today! Yes yes, every year, I cooked us a good stew as tradition dictates. I always do the same in general but this time I wanted to do something different. When I saw these past succulent meatballs in the very friendly
Maripel they seduced me hihi! Both simple as everything but how Tasty! To rebuilt and many thanks to you for sharing Maripel this recipe:)) xxx
Note: I added ground cloves and a little more allspice to the sauce. For step to sweat the onions and garlic, I failed. I simply add the ingredients to the meat.
Preparation: 20 minutes Cooking
: 40 minutes
Servings: 8 to 10
Ingredients 1 yellow onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic
chopped Butter, as needed
2 lb (1 kg)
ground veal 1 egg, beaten ½ cup
(125 ml) bread crumbs 2 tablespoons
tea (12 g) coarse salt 2 tablespoons
tea (4 g)
ground pepper 8 cups (2 L) of veal or chicken broth (chicken broth me)
1 cup (250 ml) flour 1 tablespoon toasted
tea (2 g) allspice 1 tablespoon ground
tea (2 g) of ground cloves (my addition)
Salt and pepper to taste
Add chopped parsley to taste
1) In a skillet, sauté onion and garlic in butter, cool and reserve.
2) In a bowl, mix the ground veal, egg, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, onion and garlic (+ parsley).
3) Shape the meat into balls about 15 grams (1 tablespoon). (Makes approximately 50 to 60 small meatballs.)
4) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 C).
5) Remove the meatballs on a lightly oiled cookie sheet or parchment paper and bake until a nice golden color.
6) In a pot, bring the veal stock to a boil and stir in toasted flour, stirring vigorously with a whisk. Add the allspice and season with salt and pepper.
7) Add the meatballs to veal stock and bring to a boil. Cover and bake at 350 degrees F (180 C) for 30 minutes.
8) Serve with potatoes and steamed vegetables.
milk-fed veal from Quebec by Maripa ~ ~ Lexibule
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