Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Change A Rook Piercing

dessert meets design

I posted new pictures of cupcakes I made yesterday on my Flickr . I have not yet mastered quite the "rosette", but it will come!

pink cupcakes with purple frosting

From the preparation of cakes, the assembly, taking photos and editing, I really enjoy doing this. It's a hobby a bit pointless, but I have fun! I practice, I perfected, maybe one day I would do my job, who knows?

pink cupcake with vanilla frosting

In browsing the web, I stumbled Photo Kitchen, a small photo studio processor. On their blog, you can see their set-up and I was pleased to see that they use natural light most of the time and the set-up in question resembles a lot to mine ... more professional, of course. I miss mostly of space.

Another site caught my attention this week. If, like me, you're interested in fashion design processor, you will probably enjoy Shauna Young dessert table. Its slogan: "dessert meets design." Yes! The styling of dessert buffets: I love the idea!


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