Sunday, January 23, 2011

Anniversary Speeches For Company

Yes yes, you read that haha! What a great idea was this Dear Ricardo to reinvent how to cook her lasagna! Much faster, without hassle, without fuss, it's almost magic as he says so well:) For those who like I had almost forgotten, this is the perfect opportunity to get acquainted again with her slow cooker;) A lasagna moist as I had never eaten! Now, how I will cook my lasagna with slow cooker;) xxx

Note: I received yesterday evening, my photos had to be made quickly and say they are not really to my taste. But it still give you a good overview of the results hihi!

As there are a lot of fat in the Italian sausage and there was no question of eating it, I preferred to remove the skin and keep the chair and then cook in a skillet as ground meat. Then I spent my meat through a sieve, pressing firmly with paper towels to drain any fat. I then followed the steps as mentioned in the recipe. I also doubled the ingredients except the pasta, sauce, ricotta and Parmesan. Since there was not much fat, I could put a little more sauce but it was still delicious. I served with a salad offered by Marie-Soleil Michon on the issue of Ricardo.

Preparation: 30 minutes Cooking
4 hours Servings: 4-6 Ingredients

454 grams (1 lb) meat mild Italian sausage or spicy (me strong and it was perfect!)
1 large carrot, peeled and finely grated 1 stalk celery
115 gr (4 oz) mushrooms, finely chopped 2 cloves
, minced garlic finely
1 liter (4 cups) tomato sauce homemade or commercial (me Hunt's and 3 cheeses)
12 lasagna noodles, uncooked (do not use quick version)
250 ml (1 cup) Parmigiano-Reggiano grated
1 containing of 475 grams of ricotta cheese (me that at 66% less fat)
375 ml (1 1 / 2 cup) grated mozzarella cheese salt and pepper


1) In a bowl, combine the sausage, carrot, celery, mushroom and garlic. Add salt and pepper. Book.

2) Spread 125ml (1 / 2 cup) tomato sauce in bottom of slow cooker. Cover with a layer of pâtes.Ne not hesitate to break them if necessary.

3) Y allocate one third of the meat mixture. Cover with 250ml (1 cup) tomato sauce and sprinkle with 75ml (1 / 3 cup) of Parmesan. Cover with a layer of noodles and add the ricotta cheese.

4) Continue with a layer of noodles. Y allocate one third of the meat mixture. Cover with 250ml (1 cup) tomato sauce and sprinkle with 75ml (1 / 3 cup) of Parmesan.

5) Cover Pulp and repeat with remaining meat, 250ml (1 cup) tomato sauce and parmesan. Finish with remaining sauce and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.

6) Cover and cook on low about 4 hours. Serve with a green salad.

dressing ingredients Marie-Soleil Michon
1 tsp teaspoon (5 ml) Dijon mustard (I 2 tsp) 1 tsp
teaspoon (5ml) 1 tablespoon salted herbs
teaspoon (5 ml) maple syrup (a little)
1 / 3 cup (75 ml) olive oil
1 / 3 cup (75 ml) chicken or vegetable broth (my broth chicken)
1 / 3 cup (75 mL) citrus juice of your choice (I only 1 tbsp lemon juice)

Preparation Mix well and serve over salad.

Source: Ricardo cook leftovers volume9 transcribed by Nicocles # 2 ~ ~ Lexibule
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