In browsing the web, I came across some blogs live feed (or raw food) - very interesting - where I found some ideas and a great recipe, very simple. THIS IS chia seeds as tapioca. Chia (also known under the brand Salba ) is one of the most nutritious seed, who won really be known because it is rich in omega-3, protein, fiber and antioxidants solubres. It is a great alternative to seed linens, as they almost taste like anything and do not need to be ground before being consumed. Before discovering this recipe, I integrate the food especially in muffins, cookies ... but I did not know he had the ability to absorb the liquid! Very interesting property, since it adds a certain consistency, a kind of gelatin, some preparations.
So to make this recipe, you will need:
• 1 cup vegetable milk: soy milk, almond milk ... (Here I used a soy milk flavored with vanilla, just to sweeten in doing so).
• 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of chia seed, unmilled (there are white seeds and black seeds).
Mix both ingredients and stir 2-3 minutes, then let stand at room temperature 15-20 minutes or until the seeds have swollen sufficiently. You can also, like me, prepare the day before leaving the swell overnight in the fridge. Just before serving stir well.
Recipe Source: All believed in the beak
And here's how it goes! Special Valentine's Day: P
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